The Modern Woodworkers Association on Shop Talk Live
Last week fellow +Modern Woodworkers Association member +Rob Bois and I headed up to Newtown, Connecticut to meet up with the +Fine Woodworking crew and represent the MWA on their podcast, Shop Talk Live.
Publishers, and just all around nice guys who love woodworking. |
We had a great time and really appreciate the invitation.
On the podcast we joined +Asa Christiana, +Matthew Kenney & +Ed Pirnik to talk woodworking. The specific topics discussed ranged from the pro & cons of sliding compound miter saws (Im on the Pro side) to the dangers of drinking shellac.
Matt Kenney sits down in their decked out podcasting studio |
Yours truly, behind the mic. |
Ed Pirnik made this decked out mic stand just to accommodate us. |
You can check out the podcast on their site here, you can also download and subscribe to it on iTunes here. And if you do listen using iTunes, please leave a review. +Ed Pirnik will really appreciate it.
Rob & Matt talk shop. |
Yes, Rob, jointers do come that big (By the way, he won a Bad Axe Tenon saw). |
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